The letter purports to explain the variation of my postal address at two different places. I have received a show-cause notification on 18th June 20XX, according to which I am asked to explain the variation of address at two different places. The variation of address is genuine, and both the addresses are valid. By writing this letter, I intend to justify, explain, and validate the address variation.
I received a letter from OPUS California in which the authorities asked me to show the cause behind address variation on my National Identity Card and my documents submitted for the mortgage. The address on my NIC is P-090 Lupus Residencia, Levies Street, San Diego, California. On the other hand, my address on my mortgage documents is Dolphin High Street, Norma Alley San Diego CA 98000.
Both addresses are valid. I have lived from 2000-2017 at the address that has been mentioned in my NIC and from 2017 to 20XX I have lived at the address that I have mentioned for mortgage documents. I am living in a joint family and therefore my family decided to buy another house in San Diego to expand our space of sharing. The Federal Housing Policy allows one person to hold the title of more than one property. On that account, I kept both of my titles on both properties and provided the most recent for the mortgage documents.
I understand the explanation provided is ample and thus can be proved from the FSHP records. For more, you can contact me at +1-[X] or email me at [EMAIL].
Zed Oliver Ike
San Diego, CA, USA

Re. Explanation to the Pointed Address Discrepancy in Provided Documents
Dear Sir,
I am David Nelson and I hold a savings account in your bank i.e., Linux Hill Bank, San Francisco with account number 3241110021041. Recently I submitted a few documents for the approval of the Spenser Loan to the bank. I received an email from the bank yesterday in which authorities had pointed out some address discrepancy at my end at the time of submission of the documents. I was asked to write a letter of explanation to the bank for the mentioned address variation.
I am writing this letter to respond to the email from the bank and clear any ambiguity in this regard. I had been living in the city of New York since 2005. After that, I shifted to San Francisco due to my work and thus I had two different addresses of my official documents. I started living in San Francisco permanently and bought the house in 2019. Therefore, there is an address variation in the official documents I submitted to the bank.
My two addresses are the following:
- Seventh Street, 540 Tolstoy Road, San Francisco CA USA
- 1001 James Street Model Town NYC CA USA
My former address i.e., address (i) is my current station and I have been living here since 2019. The other address i.e. (ii) is now being used as a vacation station or second home. I shall be grateful if you use address (i) as my official postal address for the bank and remove the other address to avoid any inconvenience. I also apologize for any inconvenience or trouble brought by my address discrepancy. For more, you can write to me at [EMAIL] or call me at +1-[X]. Thank you.
David Nelson
Seventh Street, 540 Tolstoy Road
San Francisco CA, USA.